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Why do companies brand uniform?

There are many reasons why businesses and organisations brand uniform and clothing, some are practical, and some are for design purposes. Often businesses do it for a more than one reason, both practical and design.

Ownership of clothing

By branding uniform, you are making sure that it is clearly labelled as being owned by the business.  It’s much less likely that it will be used by the employee for anything other than work. It also identifies the clothing as an asset of the business.  Clothing is often tax tabbed for this reason.

Labels for Jones Bootmakers
Tax Tabs for Branding


Adding brand logos to uniform and Pantone matching clothing can help to strengthen a band’s exposure and make it more memorable to customers.


Branded uniform can give staff a sense of identity with each other and also for customers. You can clearly identify a sales assistant in a store if they are wearing a uniform.  If a trades person arrives at your door and they branded uniform on, it reassures you that they are from the company you are expecting.

Ways to brand uniform

There are many ways to brand uniform, you can have a full bespoke item which is dyed to match your exact Pantone colour.  You can scale it right back with a tax tab label sewn on for a discreet look or you can add print and embroidery with a logo and tag line.

Uniforms particularly in the hospitality sector have become part of the whole hotel or restaurant design.  For example, if the style of the restaurant is industrial, with lots of wood and metal.  The clothing may reflect that with denim, or leather fabrics.  The branding may be a logo in the design of a branding stamp, again to reflect industry.  It helps to make the whole experience immersive for the customer.