What’s a Bar Tack

Bar tacks are a tiny run of stitches that are placed on garments to reinforce an area, which may receive extra stress or wear. This could include the side of a pocket, the end of a strap, the bottom of the fly or either end of a belt loop.

Bar tacks are one of those tiny details on clothing that you don’t really notice, but when they are there, they can add a unique detail as well as being highly functional.

One of the areas that Impact Trading and Cotton Roots specialise in are bespoke aprons and we often use bar tacks on the sides or corners of pockets to strengthen the join to the apron. From a design point of view, bar tacks create an opportunity to enhance the design. Adding bar tacks to unusual areas or by using brand colours that add a ‘Pop’ of interest, you can create an apron that is entirely unique to you and your business.

Bar tacks at the bottom a denim pocket

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